Monthly Weather Review
Monthly Rainfall: 2.48”
Highest Temperature: 96
Lowest Temperature: 69
Average Wind Speed: 6 mph
- An abandoned owl juvenile was found at Fireworks Paddocks and taken to Black Creek Wildlife Center.
- The owl has made a great recovery and is scheduled to be released back at CWF in a few weeks.
- Field Assistant Smiley joined Morgan on the weekly bird route.
- Another example of a successful Eastern Bluebird nest with hatchlings recorded.
- CWF hosted an insect walk with Dr. Nathan Harness and SRESFS group.
- We used blacklight to attract the insects to the net so we could observe them.
Month Overview
- Game Camera: There were 46 sitings of deer fawn over the month of June.
Nest Boxes: There was a total of 16 new nests starts in June. They consisted of 15 Eastern Bluebird nests, and one Carolina Wren nest.
Author: Morgan Warner