Prairie 4 – My Perspective – My Name is Clovis
My name is Clovis but most just call me Prairie Four. I prefer my real name because it [...]
Searching for Salamanders
Chamberlin Dwarf Salamanders People tend to associate winter with the death of plants and lack [...]
Following Former Intern’s Adventures
Our former intern from Francis Marion University, Morgan Warner, discovered her love of field work during her internship [...]
Royal Tree
Everything is beautiful if you look close enough. Many people dislike the winter months due to the cold [...]
Today I Watched a Spider
Marbled Orb Weaver - Araneus marmoreus Today I stopped to watch a spider. Now I [...]
Bee the Change
The American Bumble Bee (Bombus pensylvanicus) Bugs, arthropods, hexapods, or creepy crawlies, no matter [...]
Nighttime Insect Study
Our youngest member the Carolina Wildlands team is Dillon Cooper. He us joined this summer after graduating from [...]
Scat Scout
Identifying wildlife in your area can be done in many ways, including monitoring game cameras, searching for tracks, [...]
Spring Showers
Spring has sprung, the tree line is as vibrant as ever with an array of greens, pinks, and [...]