
Sound Meter deployed in Fireworks West. Audio chips are examined weekly.
Monthly Weather Review:
- Monthly Rainfall Total: 0.11 inches
- Highest Temperature: 76.6oF
- Lowest Temperature: 60.1oF
- Highest Wind Speed: 7.1 mph
- Thoroughworts (Eupatorium spp.) are dominant flowering plants in Firework Prairies.
- Goldenrod (Solidago spp.) are starting to flower in Steele, Francis, and Firework Prairies.
- Camphorweed (H. subaxillaris) flower buds are present in Firework Prairies.
- The first flowers of Blue Mistflower (C. coelestinum) were sighted in Halfmoon along Prairie Seven edge.
- The first flowers of Scarlet Creeper (I. hederifolia) were sighted in Fireworks East Prairie.
- Sound Meter deployed in Fireworks West Prairie 9/01/23.

Arcadian Flycatcher in Fireworks East.
- Ragweed (A. artemisiifolia) flower buds are present in Francis, Steele, and Firework Prairies.
- The first flower of Crownbeard (Verbesina spp.) was sighted in Block House Back Prairie.
- The first flower of Late Boneset (E. serotinum) was sighted in Prairie Five.
- Rough Buttonweed (D. teres) in flower along prairie floor in Prairie Five, Prairie Six, and Francis Prairie.
- Rosinweed (S. asteriscus) starting to brown and lose flowers.
- The first flower of Nits and Lice (H. drummondii) was sighted in Redbanks Prairie.
- Heavy sicklepod (S. obustifolia) growth in thinned pine stand by Firework East Prairie. Flowering Sicklepod is attracting hundreds of Sulphur Butterflies.
- Sumptweed (I. annua) found growing in Fireworks East Prairie, new to species list.
- The first flower of Foxglove was sighted in Fireworks West Prairie by the pond edge.
- Eastern Redbud (C. canadensis) seed pods present, releasing seeds.

Grasshopper Feeding on Dogfennel (E. capillifolium)
- Grasshopper sighted feeding on Dogfennel (E. capillifolium) in Fireworks East Prairie.
- Two Bluebirds, One Arcadian Flycatcher, One Carolina Chickadee, One Eastern Wood-Pewee, and Three unknown, yellow, warblers sighted in Firework Prairies.
- Littleleaf Tick Clover (D. ciliare) in flower in Francis Prairie.
- Goldenrod (Solidago spp.) and Indian Grass (S. nutans) are dominant plants in Francis Prairie.
- Male Box Turtle found in Francis Prairie.
- Joe Pye Weed (E. purpureum) in flower in Firework Prairies and Block House Prairies.
- Crownbeard (Verbesina spp.) is the dominant flowering plant in Block House, and Silo Prairies.
- Blue Mistflower (C. coelestinum) flowering in woods near Far Gate Prairies.
- Robber Fly species sighted in Far Gate North Prairie.
- Ironweed (V. noveboracensis) in flower in Far Gate South Prairie.
- Sulphur Butterflies, Fritillary Butterflies, and Buckeye Butterflies were all sighted in Far Gate South Prairie.

Lobelia species in flower by drainage pond.
- Orb Weavers (Araneidae spp.) sighted in woods: Marbled Orb Weavers, Spiny Backed Orb Weavers, Red Femured Orb Weavers, and Spotted Orb Weavers all sighted.
- Persimmons (D. virginiana) ripe and falling.
- American Beautyberry (C. americana) berries purple and ripe.
- Wild Grapes (V. rotundifolia) ripe and falling.
- Doll’s Daisy (B. asteroides) in flower in Halfmoon Prairies. Heavy in Prairies Five and Six.
- Bearded Beggarticks (B. aristosa) in flower along roadsides and Halfmoon Trail.
- Lobelia species in flower near drainage pond.

Grumpy Box Turtle Sighted in Halfmoon Woods.
- Monarch butterflies were sighted in Redbanks and Fireworks East Prairie.
- An unknown yellow warbler sighted in Fireworks West Prairie along pond edge, possibly Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas).
- Pine Stands in Halfmoon, Block House, Far Gate, Dry Pond, Otter, and Muddy Branch are full of Wingstem and Crownbeard, (Verbesina spp.) both in full bloom.
- Two male box turtles sighted in woods near Halfmoon. One male was very vocal – hissing. The other was calm with no sound. Both turtles kept their heads out for photographs.
- Sweet Gum (L. styraciflua) and Ironwood (O. virginiana) Leaves are starting to change color – yellows, and browns.
- Quercus species are dropping acorns.
Aerial views of 3 prairies showing September growth progression
Author: Brianna Bergamini