Monthly Weather Review
Monthly Rainfall Total: 4.45inches
Highest Temperature: 83°F
Lowest Temperature: 64°F
Average Wind Speed: 7.5mph
- Rattlesnake Master (E. yuccifolium) basal leaves present in Firework Prairies, Steele Prairies, Block House Back Prairie, and Dry Pond Prairie.
- Breaking Leaf Buds on Eastern Baccharis (B halimifolia) in Firework Prairies, Francis Prairie, and Prairies one and two.
- Common Blue Violet (V. sororia) flowering in woodlands.
- Little Bluet H. pusilla) in flower along Firework West Prairie Edge.
- The first Eastern Tiger Swallowtail of the season was observed in Prairie Five.
- The first flower of Crowspoison (N. bivalve) was observed along Paddocks Road.
- The first bee of the season was observed visiting Red Deadnettle (H. purpureum).
- The first Buckeye (A. flava) leaves and flower buds observed along Muddy Branch.
- Juvenile Northern Cricket frogs observed in Muddy Branch.
- Cardamine species observed in flowers along horse paddocks.
- The first flower buds of Eastern Red Bud (C. canadensis) observed along Redbanks edge.
- The first flower of Rue Anemone (T. thalictroides) was observed along Prairie Seven edge.
- The first flower of Indian Strawberry (D. indica) was observed in Prairie Three.
- The first Red Tail Hawk of the season observed flying over Fireworks East Prairie.
- The first flower buds of Rhododendron species observed along Rock Bluffs.
- Southern Flying Squirrel observed near nesting box.
- Two Killdeer observed building a nest near office.
- The first Flower of Little Leaf Buttercup (R. abortivus) observed at Kayak Put-In.
- The first flower of Big Bluet (A. caerulea) observed in flower at Kayak Put-In.
- The first flower of Serviceberry ( A. arborea) was observed near Halfmoon Bridge.
- Fruits of Winged Elm (U. alata) observed near Halfmoon Bridge.
- Wood Ducks observed on Valverdi Pond.
- Flower buds of Dogwood (C. florida) observed along edge of Pecan Mound Prairie.
- Leaves of Violet Oxalis (V. violaceae) observed along Francis Trail.
- The first flowers of Earthsmoke (F. officinalis) observed in Turtle Pond Log Deck.
- Eastern Red Bud (C. canadensis) in full flower throughout property.
- Male Pollen Cones observed on Loblolly Pine Trees (P. taeda)
- The first flowers of Beaked Cornsalad (V. radiata) in flower along Firework Prairie Edges, Steele Prairie edge, Far Gate Prairies, and Block House Prairies.
- The first Mayberry (V. elliotti) flowers observed along BJ Pond Trail.
- Yellow Rumped Warbler observed in Fireworks East tree line.
- Fruits of Red Maple (A. rubrum) and Boxelder (A. negundo) observed along BJ Pond.
- First Eastern Tent Caterpillars observed near Otter Pond Trail.
- The first flowers of Dogwood (C. florida) observed along Francis Trail and along Pecan Mound edge.
- The first flower buds of Catchweed (G. aparine) observed in Francis Woodland.
- Solitary Arrow Leaf Violet (V. sagitatta) observed in flower in Turtle Pond Log Deck, new to species list.
- Pine Warbler observed in pines along Turtle Pond Log Deck.
- Flower buds of Common Yarrow (A. millefolium) observed in Redbanks Prairie and Dry Pond Prairie.
- American Holly Tree (I. opaca) observed exhibiting phenotypic plasticity with two different leaf margins present – elliptic and toothed.
- The first flowers of Green and Gold (C. virginianum) observed along Prairie Seven edge.
Aerial views of 3 prairies showing March growth progression
Author: Brianna Bergamini