- The first flower of Meadow Beauty (R. mariana) sighted in prairie two.
- Deer sighted on drone bedding down in Redbanks prairie.
- Three more deer sighted running in Prairie Three.
- Common Milkweed (A. syriaca) seed pods sighted in Redbanks prairie.
- Rattlesnake Master (E. yuccifolium) flower heads are up, sighted in Fireworks West prairie.
- Black Eyed Susan (R. hirta) is the dominant flowering plant in all Firework Prairies.
- First flower of Starry Rosinweed (S. asteriscus) sighted in Fireworks West Prairie
- First flowers of Roundleaf Thoroughwort (E. rotundifolium) sighted in Fireworks West Prairie.
- First Purple Coneflower (E. purpurea) sighted in Fireworks West.
- Black Eyed Susan (R. hirta) with phenological variation sighted in Prairie Five. Additional petals seen growing in the center of flower.
- Bobwhite heard calling twenty-three times in ~12 minutes, Fireworks East Prairie.
- Dense Blazing (L. spicata) star flower buds present in Firework Prairies.
- Hole found in Rattlesnake Master (E. yuccifolium) – possible plant boring insect.
- Walked Fireworks West Prairie with Dr. Travis Knowles and Dr. Nathan Harness. Black Eyed Susan mutation sighted. The individual had a wider stem and elongated center.
- Black Eyed Susan (R. hirta) and Erigeron species are dominant flowering plants in Steele Jax prairie.
- Two Buckeye Butterflies were sighted mating in Steele Jax Prairie.
- Butteflyweed (A. tuberosa) seed pods sighted in Steele Prairie.
- Partridge Pea (C. fasciculata) leaves sighted in Indian Mound Prairie.
- Black Eyed Susan plants (R. hirta) in halfmoon, specifically prairie one, have heavy mutations with various red patterns appearing on the flowers. Over 25 individuals photographed in prairie one.
- Bumblebee species (Bombus) sighted feeding on Horse Nettle (S. carolinense) flower.
- First flower of Grey-Headed Coneflower (R. pinnata) sighted in Prairie Five.
- First flower of White Morning Glory (L. lacunose) sighted in Prairie Five along edge.
- First flower of Virginia Buttonweed (D. virginiana) sighted in Prairie Five.
- First flower of Creeping Eryngo (E. prostratum) sighted on the prairie floor in Prairie Seven.
- First flower of Seedbox (L. alterniflora) sighted in Fireworks West Prairie.
- First flower of Virginia Meadow Beauty (R. virginica) sighted in Fireworks West Prairie along the edge of Fireworks Pond.
- Additional holes found in Rattlesnake Master (E. yuccifolium) plants with two caterpillars being retrieved. Caterpillars were photographed and sent to entomologists for identification.
- Received 1.38 inches of rain from 6/19-6/21. Halfmoon prairies are extremely wet, frogs can be heard in the puddles along prairie edges.
- Dogbane (A. cannabinum) seed pods present in Prairie Four.
- The first flower of Grey-Headed Coneflower (R. pinnata) was found in flower in Francis Prairie.
- The first flower of Dense Blazing Star (L. spicata) was found in Francis Prairie.
- Tracked turtles with Sydney Grant
- Red mushroom species found in a pine stand, possibly the Blood Red Webcap Mushroom (C. sanguineus) but not confirmed.
Rainfall Review
- Monthly Rainfall Total: 6.52 inches.
- 18 inches received in one week (6/19-6/24)
Aerial views of 3 prairies showing June growth
Author: Brianna Bergamini