

Common Chickweed (S. media) in flower.

Monthly Weather Review
Monthly Rainfall Total: 0.69 inches
Highest Temperature: 63.50F
Lowest Temperature: 25.4oF
Highest Wind Speed: 8.4 mph


  • Initial growth of Carolina Cranesbill (G. carolinianum), Dove’s Foot Cranesbill (G. mole), Starry Rosinweed (S. asteriscus), Dogfennel (E. capillifolium), White Clover (T. repens) and Hastate Leaf Dock (R. hastatus) in Firework Prairies, Francis Prairie, Steele Prairies.
  • Henbit Deadnettle (L. amplexicaule) in flower along edges of prairies, in log decks, and along trail edges. Growth is heaviest in Wildlands Prairies.
  • Common Chickweed (S. media) in flower along prairie edges, in log decks, and along trail edges. Growth is heaviest in Wildlands Prairies.


  • Mockingbirds, Mourning Doves, Red Shoulder Hawk, Turkey Vultures, American Robins, Eastern Bluebirds all sighted in Fireworks Prairie.
  • Initial growth of Common Yarrow (A. millefolium) in Block House and Dry Pond Prairies.
Initial growth of Common Yarrow (A. millefolium).

Initial growth of Common Yarrow (A. millefolium).


  • Initial growth of Black-Eyed Susan ( hirta), and Lance Leaf Tickseed (C. lanceolata) found in Firework prairies, Francis, Steele prairies, Prairie One, Prairie Five, Prairie Six, and Prairie Seven.
  • Initial growth of Catchweed (Gallium spp.) in Halfmoon Woodlands.
  • Great Blue Heron was sighted along edge of creek.


  • Thompson Creek level high, covering rock banks in Kyak put in and pull out.
  • Birthday Balloon found in tree branch along creek, removed.
  • 20 Bluebird Boxes and 2 Barn Owl Boxes installed and recorded.
  • Barn Owl Sighted.
Sparrow in Fireworks.

Sparrow in Fireworks.


  • Cemetery bluebird box and BJ Pond wood duck boxes cleaned – Graveyard box was used by an Eastern Bluebird and BJ Pond Box was used by a Wood Duck and Eastern Bluebird later in the season. Nest I. Ds confirmed by Dr. Stanback.
  • Daffodils (Narcissus spp.) in Cemetery showing flower buds.
  • Sparrows sighted in Firework Prairies and in brush along woodland edge.


  • Common Chickweed (S. media) found in flower in Fireworks Log deck and along prairie edges.
  • Cardamine species found in flower in Fireworks log deck, Fireworks grass field, and the edges of cement trail.
  • Initial growth of Wild Onion (Allium spp.) and Vetch (Vicia spp.) in all prairies with the exception of Far Gate Prairies.
Cardamine in flower, Fireworks Log Deck.

Cardamine in flower, Fireworks Log Deck.


  • Kestrel Sighted on Powerlines (first sighting of the year)
  • Tardigrade samples collected in Redbank Forest and Shae’s Forest. Several lichen and moss species sighted including Perforated Lichen, Sheild Lichen, Bushy Beard Lichen and Cushion Moss.


  • Birthday Balloon found in grass along Prairie One edge, removed.
  • Frog sighted in drain by main barn.
  • Great Pileated Woodpecker sighted in Halfmoon by Peninsula.
  • Dandelions (T. officinale) in full flower along Paddocks Road.


  • Corn Speedwell (V. arvensis) in flower along creek edge.
  • Killdeer sighted in paddocks (first sighting of the year)
Turtle at Wood Stork Pond.

Turtle at Wood Stork Pond.


  • Barred Owl heard in Francis Forest
  • Initial growth of violet species along creek edge
  • Frogs heard calling in Fireworks – Spring Peepers, Green Treefrogs.
  • Turtle sighted on Log in Wood Stork Pond
  • Frogs heard calling near Wood Stork Pond
  • Wood Ducks sighted in Wood Stork Pond, ~4 individuals.


  • Halfmoon cement trail is flooded along edges, tree trunks are fully submerged.
  • Large wet spots are present in mixed hardwood forest by Prairie Two.
  • Coyote Scat found at Prairie Five, Prairie Six, Prairie Seven, and Prairie Two.
  • Small spider species sighted in Prairie Five on Drone Boards, first spider of the year.
Thompson Creek.

Thompson Creek.

Author: Brianna Bergamini

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