
Spider Hatchlings
Monthly Weather Review:
Rainfall Total: 2.09inches
Highest Temperature: 900F
Lowest Temperature: 620F
Average Wind Speed: 7.57mph
- First flowers of (G. molle) observed in Block House Back Prairie.
- Brown Headed Cowbirds observed in and around Horse Paddocks.
- The first flowers of Tainturier’s Chervil (C. tainturieri) observed in Halfmoon.
- Spider hatchlings observed in Prairie Three on Bush Clover (L. cuneata).
- Lyre-Leaf Sage (S. lyrata) in flower. Observed along Halfmoon Trails, Block House Prairie Edges, Far Side Prairie Edges.
- The first active Eastern Box Turtle of the season was observed in Halfmoon near Prairie six.

Partial Solar Eclipse
- Partial solar eclipse observed.
- Black Cherry Tree (P. serotina) observed in flower in Halfmoon.
- Carolina Silverbell (H. Carolina) observed in flower in Halfmoon.

Carolina Silverbell flowers.
- The first Killdeer hatchlings observed, two individuals.
- The first flower of Golden Alexander (Z. aurea) observed along Halfmoon Trails.

Golden Alexander.
- The first flower of Coral Honeysuckle (L. sempervirens) observed in Muddy Branch.
- The first flowers of Primrose Leaf Violet (V. primulifolia) observed along BJ Pond edge.
- Juvenile Northern Water Snake observed along Thompson Creek edge.
- The first Coreopsis (C. lanceolata) flowers observed on Halfmoon Trail.
- The first flowers of Fringe Tree (C. virginicus) observed in Halfmoon.

Fringe Tree flowers.
- Kayaked Thompson Creek.
- Great Blue Heron Observed.
- Violet Oxalis ( violacea) in flower, Golden Alexander (Z. aurea) in flower, Lyre-Leaf Sage (S. lyrata) in flower
- Mammal Tracks sighted along banks – Deer, Racoon, Other Unidentified Tracks.
- Pearl Crescent Butterflies observed in Fireworks West

- The first flower of Common Yarrow (A. millefolium) observed in Redbanks Prairie.
- The first flower of Bachelor’s Button (C. cyanus) observed in Far Gate South Prairie.
- The first flower of False Flowering Spurge (E. pubentissima) observed in Halfmoon near Prairie Four.
- Hairy Purple Vetch (V. villosa) observed in flower in open grasslands.
- Flower buds of Small’s Ragwort observed in Firework Prairies, Steele Prairies, and Grasslands.
- Crimson Clover (T. incarnatum) in full flower throughout grassland areas.
Aerial views of 3 prairies showing April growth progression
Author: Brianna Bergamini